The Card Inn – Unboxing Experience


Unboxing Experience

Style & Setting

Since the unboxing experience is such an integral part of The Card Inn, I tried to encapsulate the unboxing with all the goodies in the images. Like discussed, I tried to create some rather “used” and “moody” looking images in the theme of vintage, but threw in a modern spin to keep the images interesting and appealing to a wider demographic.


Obviously, the colors that should be present in the images are the ones used in the packaging. Red and white dominate the images, although I decided to throw in greens as a complementary color of red to counter the bright and punchy red tones.

The Card Inn – Deck Images


Project One

Style & Setting

For the Project, the main goals were to focus on repeatability and consistency as well as ease of execution to provide a way of shooting that made it accessible for shop owners like you, James.

I decided to go for a streamlined process using the same neutral backdrop but using different props to make the decks stand out.

The first images of every set are shot using the exact same settings, to provide a great user experience and set you up for the “hover” effect on your website. However they still don’t look plain or boring, providing a better “out-of-the-ordinary” look than the all too common Murphys Magic Images.

Black Hole


For the color scheme of this deck I leaned towards blue props as the deck has a teal and yellow color scheme and a nice blue complements that very effectively.



The Chairoscuro Deck has many color options to choose from. Based on the tuck box and the back design I decided to keep it rather simple and chose blue, violett and magenta as the theme colors with a heavy focus on the blues.

The deck naturally lends itself towards detail shots and action shots, so that I where some of my focus went.

Van Gogh


When it comes to the Van Gogh deck, the obvious choice would have been blue. However, diving deeper into Van Goghs history and preferences, it became clear to me that wild flowers were also a great option to sit right besides the deck. His love for Sunflowers was the more obvious choice but since the flowers are very big, I had to go with smaller wild flowers instead.

The results are a beautiful matching color scheme that works very well with the pastel colors from the deck.